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Tips Menggunakan Maknyus Ayam Ricarica

Ayam Ricarica. Ayam rica-rica is specialty chicken dish from the city of Manado in Indonesia North Sulawesi. Rica means chili in North Sulawesi language, so ayam rica-rica translates to chicken with chili sauce. If you love bold, spicy, fresh, and citrusy dishes, you will definitely love ayam rica-rica.

Ayam Ricarica You can also simmer the chicken until fully cooked if you prefer. I have most of the ingredients growing in my backyard and all I had to buy was the chicken and tomatoes. Ayam rica-rica is one of Indonesian culinary, precisely from Manado, North Sulawesi. Kamu Dapat Memasak Ayam Ricarica Menggunakan 20 Bahan dan 0 Langkah. Silahkan Cek Dibawah ini:.

Bahan-Bahan Ayam Ricarica

  1. Anda Menyiapkan 8 potong of sayap ayam.
  2. Anda Menyiapkan 1 buah of jeruk nipis.
  3. Anda Menyiapkan 1 batang of sereh, geprek.
  4. Anda Menata 1 ikat of daun kemangi.
  5. Anda Memerlukan 2 batang of daun bawang, iris tipis.
  6. Anda Menyiapkan 2 lembar of daun salam.
  7. Anda Memerlukan 5 lembar of daun jeruk.
  8. Anda Memerlukan 1 lembar of daun pandan (opsional).
  9. Anda Memerlukan of Air secukup nya.
  10. Anda Memerlukan of Minyak goreng secukup nya.
  11. Anda Menata of Garam, kaldu bubuk, garam, gula, lada secukup nya.
  12. Anda Menyiapkan of Bumbu Halus :.
  13. Anda Menyiapkan 12 biji of cabe rawit/sesuai selera.
  14. Anda Menyiapkan 6 buah of cabe merah keriting.
  15. Anda Memerlukan 8 butir of bawang merah.
  16. Anda Menyiapkan 4 siung of bawang putih.
  17. Anda Menyiapkan 2 butir of kemiri.
  18. Anda Memerlukan 3 cm of jahe.
  19. Anda Menata 3 cm of kunyit.
  20. Anda Memerlukan 4 cm of lengkuas.

The word Rica is derived from the language of Manado which means spicy or chili. Recipes to make ayam rica-rica are diverse, so are the ways of cooking it. The similarities are simply the spicy taste and red color from red chilies. Ayam rica-rica is one of Indonesian culinary, precisely from Manado, North Sulawesi.

Langkah-Langkah Memasak Ayam Ricarica

The word Rica is derived from the language of Manado which means spicy or chili. Recipes to make ayam rica-rica are diverse, so are the ways of cooking it. The similarities are simply the spicy taste and red color from red chilies. Ayam rica-rica is specialty chicken dish from the city of Manado in Indonesia North Sulawesi. Rica means chili in North Sulawesi language, so ayam rica-rica translates to chicken with chili sauce.

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