Tips Memasak Enak Rica-rica Ayam
Rica-rica Ayam. This Ayam (chicken) can be pre-cooked and placed on the grill and served with the rica rica (the spicy sauce). You can also simmer the chicken until fully cooked if you prefer. I have most of the ingredients growing in my backyard and all I had to buy was the chicken and tomatoes.
If you love bold, spicy, fresh, and citrusy dishes, you will definitely love ayam rica-rica. Maybe just add one or two bird eye chilies if this is the first time making this dish, especially if you. Rica means chili in North Sulawesi language, so ayam rica-rica translates to chicken with chili sauce. Kamu Dapat Membikin Rica-rica Ayam Menggunakan 12 Bahan dan 0 Langkah. Silahkan Cek Dibawah ini:.
Bahan-Bahan Rica-rica Ayam
- Anda Menata 1 kg of ayam.
- Anda Menyiapkan 10 of bawang merah.
- Anda Memerlukan 6 of bawang putih.
- Anda Menata secukupnya of Merica.
- Anda Memerlukan secukupnya of Cabe keriting.
- Anda Menata 1 ruas of Kunir.
- Anda Memerlukan of Daun salam.
- Anda Memerlukan of Daun jeruk.
- Anda Menata of Lengkuas.
- Anda Memerlukan of Sereh.
- Anda Menata secukupnya of Gula Jawa disisir.
- Anda Menata of Garam dan kecap.
If you love bold, spicy, fresh, and citrusy dishes, you will definitely love ayam rica-rica. Maybe just add one or two bird eye chilies if this is the first time making this dish, especially if you have kiddies eating this too. Today we're making Rica-Rica Chicken, or Ayam Rica Rica, spicy Indonesian braised chicken. Besides having a super fun name, this fragrant dish is easy to make, and my recipe is not the spiciest out there - great for spice beginners.
Langkah-Langkah Memasak Rica-rica Ayam
Adjust red chillies and Thai Bird's Eye Chillies according to spice tolerance. Penasaran dengan resep ayam rica-rica yang lezat dan mudah dibuat? Lihat juga cara membuat Ayam rica rica tanpa kemangi dan masakan sehari-hari lainnya. Ayam rica-rica atau rica-rica ayam bisa jadi pilihan lauk buat penyuka pedas. Makanan khas Manado ini memakai banyak bumbu dan cabe hingga rasanya pedas mantap.
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